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A 39-year-old man who is otherwise healthy undergoes a routine health screening. His fasting lipid profile is as follows:

Total cholesterol: 102 mg/dL (< 200)

Triglycerides: 372 mg/dL (< 150)

HDL: 68 mg/dL (> 60)

LDL: 31 mg/dL (< 100)

His father died at the age of 58 from an acute myocardial infarction. There is no family history of inherited dyslipidemias, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome.

He is a firefighter by occupation, with an active lifestyle. He does not smoke, only drinks socially, and is currently not on any medications.

His fasting blood glucose levels are 86 mg/dL (normal: 70-100), on the same routine screen.

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